Service Times for Kids
Discipling the next generation is one of our passions. We offer the following services for our kids:
Sunday Morning @10:45am
Nursery - ages 0-2
Children's Church - ages 2 - 1st grade
jrCHURCH - 2nd - 6th grade
Wednesday Evening @7pm
Kids' Club - Under 12

jrCHURCH meets during our Morning Worship Service at 10:45am on Sundays. They worship with the adults and then are dismissed to their class after worship. Children from 2nd to 6th grade enjoy time learning and growing together. We have snack, games, object lessons, and a story time from the Bible. We strive to help kids learn how to apply the scripture to their lives through scripture memorization and discussion. We raise money to support BGMC - a children's missions program that sends funds to missionaries around the World to teach other children about Jesus.
Children's Church meets during our Morning Worship Service at 10:45am on Sundays. Children ages 2 to 1st grade enjoy time playing and learning in our Noah's Ark room located below the Sanctuary. We have songs, snack, crafts, puppets, and a story time from the Bible. The kids can't wait to come back week after week!

We have a nursery off the Main Sanctuary for kids ages 0-2 during all services. We also have a separate Nursing Mothers Room with rocking chairs and a changing table.

Wednesday Night Classes
On Wednesday nights from 7pm to 8pm, we have Calvary Kids Club where the kids play on the playground, share a snack, learn God's Word, and enjoy games, and crafts.