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Calvary Family Church

April 12, 2020 - Happy Resurrection Sunday!

You'll find something for every age here, and you will be blessed if you watch ALL the videos!  Let the power of Jesus' Resurrection be yours today!!

Show and Tell

We miss all your beautiful faces!!  Send Ms Liz a picture of you or your family having church at home today.  Or share a pic of something fun you did this week.  Tell us about a promise God has kept to you or a way He has provided for you.  Ms Liz will compile all the Show and Tell submissions and send them back out to everyone so we can be TOGETHER even when we are apart.  Text her – 816-686-6731 or email her at


The Calvary Kids started their Verse-a-thon this week!  Click here to sponsor a child and raise money for Convoy of Hope!


Mona is praying over your worship time today! Let the power of God rise up in your homes!!


Pastor Denny, Pastor Randy, and Pastor Jonathan joined forces to prepare a message from the Word of God for you.  Jesus is ALIVE!

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jrCHURCH Kids (1st grade to 6th grade) – Ms Liz doesn’t want you to miss a week with the Loop Show!  Join Ricky and Jayme for an Easter Egg food challenge.  Then be amazed at the telling of the Easter story through a unique perspective - how you see yourself.  This is a powerful message for kids and adults!


children's church logo with bug.jpg

Bible Story with Ms Pat:


Color the project linked here.  Then cut out the figures on the solid black lines, then fold on the dotted lines to create stand-up characters.  Re-tell the story to your friends!

Show and Tell

Don’t forget to send your Show and Tell submissions to Ms Liz by tonight at 6pm.  (This will be private amongst our church family and will not go on social media.  And seriously, we want to see YOUR face, we really do!)

Text: 816-686-6731 or Email:

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