​16th Annual Speed the Light Car, Truck & Bike Show - Sunday, September 8th 10am - 2pm
The Car Show is happening today! Spectators are free and can get lunch for a donation - invite your friends and family and join us! If you can't be with us, please be praying that God would move in mighty ways for everyone in attendance. ​
Women's Retreat - Sept 19-21
The ladies will leave September 19th at noon to travel to the Southern Missouri Campgrounds at Cross Pointe Camp and Retreat Center. They will return Saturday. They will attend the Thursday and Friday night services at the campgrounds and will stay at a motel off the campgrounds. Cost is $100 and that includes breakfast at the motel. All other meals will be an additional cost. Please see Claudeana, Pat or Sandra with any questions. Registrations need to be turned in by Monday the 9th. You don't want to miss these incredible services with Marigold Cheshire!
Fun Arts - Saturday, October 5th
Kids in grades K - 6th grade are invited to participate in Fun Arts! Fun Arts is designed to help kids develop their God given gifts. There are many categories like Makers (baking & sewing), Music (solos or group ensemble), Human Videos, Short Sermons, and Visual Arts (Legos & art). Fun Arts will take place on October 5th at Crown Pointe Church in Lee's Summit, MO. The day starts with registration at 8am and ends after the Closing Celebration in the early afternoon. Cost is $25 per child and includes a t-shirt and wristband. Lunch is available for an additional $6. Registration is available online HERE. If kids want to participate in more than one category, additional entries cost $10. Judges will provide the kids with encouraging feedback and suggestions to continue developing their skills. Adult volunteers are also needed to help with jobs like door monitor, security, and room host. See Ms. Liz if you would like to volunteer. Registrations must be submitted by September 21st. They will not take late Registrations.
​​Mark Your Calendars Ladies!
The September WM meeting will be on September the 30th at Calvary at 6pm. We will also have a Mini Local Retreat on October 26th. More info to come! See the officers with any questions.
Today's Sermon will be Available on Facebook:
Follow this link to see today's message on Facebook:
Or listen to a previous sermon on the Podcast:
Online Giving
Our church is ministering in the community, and supporting missionaries around the world! To help us continue to be a blessing, you can give online at CalvaryAGKC.org/give or you can mail your tithes and offerings to Calvary at 9320 Elm Ave Kansas City, MO 64138.